Thursday, May 30, 2013

one year

It is so unbelievable that one year ago on May 30th I arrived in this little country in the middle of Europe called Switzerland. This year has been so amazing in so many ways. On the one hand, it seems like just a month ago that my family was dropping me off at the airport and that I arrived here and showered at my temporary apartment without soap or shampoo and put on my same dirty clothes I'd already been wearing for a day since they lost my luggage. On the other hand, that seems so long ago! I have been so lucky to be able to experience so many things, travel all around, and meet some truly awesome people. After one year, I can say that I feel comfortable here, I'm protective of Switzerland, I'm definitely not ready to leave, I've made some lifelong friends, and Zurich will always be my second home.

And now, to update my "countries I've visited" tally:
First 6 months:
1. Switzerland
2. U.S. (2 trips home and Minneapolis for work)
3. Germany (Konstanz and 2 trips to Munich)
4. Liechtenstein
5. Holland (Amsterdam)
6. Ireland
7. UK (Belfast)
8. Czech Republic (Prague)
9. Spain (Barcelona)

Second 6 months:
10. Jersey
11. France (St. Malo and Rennes)
12. U.S. (Home, NY, NJ, PA, OH, CO, TX)
13. Austria (Vienna)
14. Italy (Milan)
15. Germany (Berlin)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's been a year! It seems so recent that we were at your parents' for your going away party. Glad you are comfortable in your adopted home!
